ROIC Products  |  Oxygen®  |  Magnesium®  |  Calcium®  |  Zinc™  |  Neon®        Electronics  |  Sensor Test Units  |  Support





ROIC Family Naming


Just like atoms making a molecule, readout integrated circuits come together with detectors, optics, packaging and electronics to make a complete sensor. Senseeker readout families are designated by pixel pitch - which correspond to element atomic number - so you can always remember the pitch and the product.


The commercial Oxygen® (8 µm) and Calcium® (20µm) readouts are available to order now. The Magnesium® (12 µm) MIL RP0092-D120 readout is also available to order, but purchases are restricted to customers approved by the U.S. Government. Senseeker has also developed custom Beryllium™ (4 µm), Boron™ (5 µm), Carbon™ (6 µm), Neon® (10 µm), Phosphorus™ (15 µm), Sulfur™ (16 µm), Manganese™ (25 µm), Zinc™ (30 µm), Neodynium™ (60 µm) and Fermium™ (100 µm) readouts.







Senseeker ROIC Products





Oxygen® RD0092

Dual-Band, Dual-Polarity, 8 µm Pitch, 1280 x 720 Digital ROIC


The Oxygen® RD0092 is an advanced off-the-shelf DROIC with cutting-edge performance that can be used with any industry-standard direct-injection compatible detector technology. The solution was designed to optimize FPA performance through state-of-the-art integrated features and multiple operating modes that offer flexibility for a wide range of high-performance application requirements.   read more 






Oxygen® RD0033 (available soon)

Dual-Band, Dual-Polarity, 8 µm Pitch, 640 x 512 Digital ROIC


The Oxygen® RD0033-D080 is an advanced off-the-shelf DROIC with cutting-edge performance that can be used with any industry-standard direct-injection compatible detector technology to enable low SWaP-C systems. The solution was designed to optimize FPA performance through state-ofthe-art integrated features and multiple operating modes that offer flexibility for a wide range of high-performance application requirements.   read more 






Magnesium® MIL RP0092

Dual-Band, Dual-Polarity, 12 µm Pitch, 1280 x 720 Digital Pixel ROIC


The Magnesium® MIL RP0092 is an advanced digital pixel readout integrated circuit (DPROIC) with a large well capacity and wide dynamic range. It is designed for use with any industry-standard single or dual-band direct-injection compatible detector technology. Restrictions: Product sales restricted to customers who have approval from the U.S. Government.   read more 






Calcium® RP0033

Single-Polarity (P/N), 20 µm Pitch, 640 x 512 Digital Pixel ROIC


The Calcium® RP0033-J200 advanced digital pixel readout integrated circuit (DPROIC) has an extremely large well capacity, low noise floor, wide dynamic range and low power operation. This DPROIC is intended for use with any industry-standard direct-injection compatible detector technology.   read more 






Calcium® RP0210

Single-Polarity (P/N), 20 µm Pitch, 2048 x 1024 Digital Pixel ROIC


The Calcium® RP0033-J200 advanced digital pixel readout integrated circuit (DPROIC) has an extremely large well capacity, low noise floor, wide dynamic range and low power operation. The RP0210 is a 43.5mm x 27.1mm large format die. This DPROIC is intended for use with any industry-standard direct-injection compatible detector technology.   read more 






Zinc™ RP0008 (available soon)

Dual-Band, Dual-Polarity, 30 µm Pitch, 640 x 512 Digital ROIC


The Zinc™ RP0008-E30X is a high dynamic range, large well capacity digital pixel readout IC (DPROIC) with a 30 µm pitch and buffered direct injection (BDI) front-end circuit. The Zinc DPROIC product family is intended to support stitched assemblies of up to 2560 x 2048 array size with a 30 µm pitch. Any rectangular assembly in steps of 640 x 512 can be created to suit your project or product.   read more 






Zinc™ RP0033 (available soon)

Dual-Band, Dual-Polarity, 30 µm Pitch, 640 x 512 Digital ROIC


The Zinc™ RP0033-E30X is a high dynamic range, large well capacity digital pixel readout IC (DPROIC) with a 30 µm pitch and buffered direct injection (BDI) front-end circuit. The BDI interface provides tight-control and accurate biasing for LWIR and VLWIR high-performance detector materials such as mercury cadmium telluride (HgCdTe) and strained layer superlattice (SLS) detectors. The Zinc RP0033 incorporates dual-polarity sequential dual-band technology to support two-color combinations such as MWIR/VLWIR.   read more 






Neon® RD0033

P-on-N Polarity, CTIA Input, 10 µm Pitch, 640 x 512 Digital ROIC


The Neon® RD0033-L10X is a low-noise, triple-gain digital readout integrated circuit (DROIC) that has a 10 µm pitch pixel with a capacitive transimpedance amplifier (CTIA) front-end circuit. This DROIC was developed for low-light applications such as short-wave Infrared (SWIR) and low-current detector technologies such as quantum dots-based detectors. It has been designed for use in high-operating temperature (HOT) conditions. read more 






Neon® RD0131

P-on-N Polarity, CTIA Input, 10 µm Pitch, 1280 x 1024 Digital ROIC for SWIR


The Neon® RD0131-L10X is a low-noise, triple-gain digital readout integrated circuit (DROIC) that has a 10 µm pitch pixel with a capacitive transimpedance amplifier (CTIA) front-end circuit. This DROIC was developed for low-light applications such as short-wave Infrared (SWIR) and low-current detector technologies such as quantum dots-based detectors. It has been designed for use in high-operating temperature (HOT) conditions. read more 







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