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Zinc RP0033


The Zinc™ RP0033-E30x is a high dynamic range, large well capacity digital pixel readout IC (DPROIC) with a 30 µm pitch and buffered direct injection (BDI) front-end circuit. The BDI interface provides tight-control and accurate biasing for LWIR and VLWIR high-performance detector materials such as mercury cadmium telluride (HgCdTe) and strained layer superlattice (SLS) detectors. The Zinc RP0033 incorporates dual-polarity sequential dual-band technology to support two-color combinations such as MWIR/VLWIR.



30 µm, 640 x 512, dual-polarity, dual-band DPROIC
>3 Ge- well capacity and >134 dB dynamic range
<600e-, rms, input-referred noise floor
Full frame rate of >250fps with global shutter and Integrate-while-read (IWR) operation High-speed multiple windows
Programmable serialization and transmission with up to 28 bits/pixel through selectable two or four ports
Wide operating temperature range of <60 K to >310 K to support a broad range of detector types
SenSPI serial command & control interface



The Zinc™ RP0033 is optimized for infrared imaging applications such as planetary observation, small satellites, long range point source imaging, and infrared search and track (IRST)






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Oxygen® RD0092
Magnesium® MIL RP0092
Calcium® RP0033
Zinc™ RP0033
Neon® RD0033

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