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Selecting a Sensor Test Unit (STU)


The graphics on this page display the information for each STU in its typical configuration, but do not exhaustively cover possible configurations and capabilities. For custom inquiries, please complete the form to the best of your ability: we consult with each customer to ensure the product will meet all specific requirements.


The graph below displays the effective temperature ranges for each of our STU models. When selecting an STU, consider first your desired operating temperature. More than one of our STUs may be able to operate at your desired temperature; the information displayed below the graph compares the advantages and considerations unique to each model to help you make a more informed selection.












Configure Your Sensor Test Unit


This form should be completed by the customer and submitted to Senseeker as a part of the order placement process. Please provide as much information as you can to expedite the process.



A. Contact Information


A.1.1. First name

A.1.2. Last name

A.2. Title

A.3. Company

A.4. Address

A.5. Phone

A.6. Email

Confirm email

A.7. Additional Email


B. Sensor Test Unit Information


B.1. Is this Sensor Test Unit order a duplicate of a previous order?

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